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编辑:京伦科技 作者: 发布时间:2021-01-09 点击次数:



所属二级学科:武汉大学城市设计学院 建筑学系



武汉大学WHU:                   博士(工学)2008 Ph.D. in Engineering, Hubei

武汉水利电力大学WHUEE:      硕士(工学)1997 Master of Engineering, 1997, Hubei

武汉水利电力学院:                (建筑学)1990      Architecture, 1990, Hubei













Architectural Design and Theory;TheCreating Method of Regional Architectural; Historic City and HistoricSettlement




1. 中外建筑史(本科生)

2. 建筑设计(本科生)

3. 建筑认识实习(本科生)

4. 测绘实习

5. 中国乡土建筑赏析

6. 传统民居与乡土建筑



Memberof PlanningCommittee, Qianjing City,Hubei Province,since 2006


Expert of Center for Scientific and TechnologicalArchaeology,Wuhan University, since 2004


Planning Design Consultant of Jingangtai ScenicSpot in  Shangcheng County,HenanProvince,since 2006





1. The national university architecture college students architectural design assignments viewing and selection            excellent homework,2010,Guiding students' homework about " ancient village update in Wangganshan" won.(This selection without level differential.Granting Unit:The steering committee of higher school of architecture specialty)


2. The national university architecture college students architectural design assignments viewing and selection excellent homework,2010,Guiding students' homework about "MaoHuo ancient village update" won.(This selection without level differential.Granting Unit:The steering committee of higher school of architecture specialty)


3. The national university architecture college students architectural design assignments viewing and selection            excellent homework,2009,Guiding students' homework about "Historic Street Library " won.(Granting Unit:The steering committee of higher school of architecture specialty)


4. The national university architecture college students architectural design assignments viewing and selection excellent homework,2009,Guiding students' homework about "LiGuanPei ancient village update" won.(Granting Unit:The steering committee of higher school of architecture specialty)


5. The national university architecture college students architectural design assignments viewing and selection  excellent homework,2008,Guiding students' homework about"LuoJia Academy"won.(Granting Unit:The steering committee of higher school of architecture specialty)


6. The School of Urban Design Best  Graduation Thesis,Wuhan University,2007,Guiding students'master of  Graduation Thesis about "Yujiachang Field Study"won.


7. The Third Prize of The Chinese Hand Painted Architecture , 2006.


8. The Outstanding Awards of The Chinese Hand Painted Architecture , 2006.


9.  The Third Prize of The Hubei Province Outstanding Thesis of Bachelor's Degree,2006,Guiding students'master of Graduation Thesis about "Planning of a New Socialist Rural Construction of Yuwan Village in Yangxin"won.

      2006年指导毕业设计《阳新玉堍村社会主义新农村规划》获: 湖北省优秀学士学位论文三等奖。

10. The Optimal Design and organization Prize,2005,Guiding students participate "The Landscape Design Competition of

      Shilin Village"won.


11. The Optimal Design Prize of The National Architecture specialty "Jingyi Cup" college students' assignments show,2004,Guiding students' Graduation Thesis about "Planning and Protection of Ancient Village in Mulanshan"won.


12. The Third Prize of The Hubei Province Outstanding Thesis of Bachelor's Degree,2005,Guiding students' master of Graduation Thesis about"Eco-tourism Planning and Design guidance in Sustainable Development"won.


13. The Nomination Prize of The Hubei Province Outstanding Thesis of Bachelor's Degree,2005,Guiding students' master of Graduation Thesis about "Modeling the Characteristic Space, Designing the Excellent Town——Taking the Space Design of Wangying Town as an Example "won.


14. The Second Prize of The Hubei Province Optimal Design,2005,"Planning and Protectionsisof Ancient Village in Mulanshan National Geopark"won.


15. The Library Scheme Design of  Xi'an International Studies University won The Second Prize.


16. The Conference center Scheme Design of  Xi'an International Studies UniversitywonThe Third Prize.


17. "Eight Sights in ancient Jianli City of Hubei Province and its significance of construction of modern mountains and waters       city" won The Optimal Academic Papers Prize,2003.


18. The Second Prize of The Hubei provincial thesis,2003 ," Call for personality — discuss wuhan city characteristics"


19. The Second Prize of Hubei provincial thesis,2003 ,"Just to develop city regional characteristic of aquatic plants in  hubei concerning the importance of lake landscape"


20.Recommended by wuhan university teachers for The Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation teaching award candidate,2001.


21. "Form Study on Form Study"Supported by Young Teachers'Scientific Research Fund Projects of Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering,2000.        


22.The First Prize of Young teachers teaching competition of Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering, 1999.              


23.  Guiding students' graduation thesis won The third Prize of Hubei provincial College students' excellent technological achievement,1999.





1.Form Study of Traditional Dwellings , Young Teachers' Scientific Research FundProjects of Wuhan University ofHydraulic and Electrical Engineering,2000-01.

      “传统民居形态研究” ,武汉水利电力大学青年教师科研基金项目,2000年1月—2001年1月。(项目负责)


2.Research of Settlements and Folk Dwelling of TujiaNationality in Western HubeiProvince, SpecialResearch of The Nation's Third of RelicsCensus,Commissioned by Cultural Relics Bureau of Hubei Province, 2008-2010.

         全国第三次文物普查专项研究——“鄂西土家族聚落与吊脚楼民居研究”,湖北省文物局委托,2008年11月——  2010年5月。(项目负责)


3.Study of Protection and Utilization of AncientVillages in SimingMountain ,Support by The Tourist Bureau of Ningbo City,2008-2010.



4.Study of Experience Teaching Application in The Architecture SpecialtyTeaching, Teaching Reform Research Project of Hubei Province Education Department.





1. Wang Yansong,Lijing, 2011. A VillageLandscape Analysis Based on the Natural Ecosystem, The WorkShop on civilengineering and energy engineering ,The2nd International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering(mace2011)



2.  Wang Yansong,ChenYanting,ChenMu,2011.Preliminary Research on theComposition of the Functional Pattern of the County-level Cities in Ming andQing Dynasty, InternationalConference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering(ICETCE 2011)



3. Wang Yansong,Xiemengju, 2011. ATentative Study on campus planning and architecture during the age of theRepublic of China ——Take Wuhan university, Najing university,  Henan university and Xiamen university for example,The 2011 International Conference on ElectricInformation and Control Engineering (ICEICE)



4. Wang Yansong,Chen Mu and Shao Xing,2010. ATentative Study on Gathering Pattern of Miao Nationality Settlement alongside Bala River Basin,HuazhongArchitecture,(1):169—171



5. WangYansong and Duan Yapeng,2010.The Importance of Experiencing and SurveyingMethods in the Studying of Historyof Chinese Architecture,Huazhong Architecture,(8):196—197


6. Wang Yansong,2010.TheFunctional Zoning in Southern China Villages with Mountains and WatersLandscapes,InternationalWorkshop on Environment, Construction and Transportation(WECT2010)


7. Wang Yansong and Bao Fan,2010.UrbanDesign with Ecology and Local Context,The 1st International Workshop on Construction, Environment, Transportation(CET 2010)

      王炎松,鲍帆,2010年,环境、道路与交通国际学术会议, 期刊号:2010年11月(EI:20110313604264)

8.Zheng Hongbin and WangYansong,2009.Worksof Hemmings&Berkley Architects Office,HuazhongArchitecture,(1):222—228

       郑红彬, 王炎松,2009年,景明洋行及其近代作品初探,《华中建筑》,(1):222—228

9. WangYansong,Zheng Hongbin and Zuo Yi,2009.A Classification Study of Modern Westernized VernacularDwelling Based on the Perspectiveof Biology——Take the Historic District of Leping City in Jiangxi Province forExample,New   Architecture,(6):77—80


10. WangYansong and Zhou Fang,2009.On Landscape Characteristic of Ancient Villages inSiming Mountain,Chinese andOverseas Architecture,(8):45—46


11. WangYansong and Shao Xing,2009.Initial Discovery on Features of Ancient the VillageTemples on Siming Mountain,HuazhongArchitecture,27(10):119—121


12.Wang Yansong and Zhang Hui,2009.Study on Formation of theAlley Space of Siming Mountain Villages,Chineseand   Overseas Architecture,(12):72—73


13.Wang Yansong,Zhang Jinhai andChen Mu,2009.Analysisof the History Evolution and Pattern Characteristic of Xun County : Concerning Urban Pattern and Its HistoryStudy in the History of the City Planning,HuazhongArchitecture,27(11):137—139


14. WangYansong,2008.Research on the Constructing of Residence in Tujia Nationality,Wuhan university.


15. Wang Yansong and Xie Fei,2008.Teaching Features inJunior Architectural Design Courses with the Theme of Architecture and Culture, HuazhongArchitecture,(5):176—178


16. Wang Yansong and Zheng Hongbin,2008.The sidecorridor style of Modern buildings in northwest Hubei Province.


17.Wang Yansong and Zuo Yi,2008.Thousand-Year-OldWell,Thousand-Year-Old Street:Civil Culture and Urban Pattern   of Old North Street in Leping,HuazhongArchitecture,26(10):215—218


18. WangYansong and Xie Fei,2008.Demand for Date Process Software of 3D Laser ImagingScanning Technology in AncientArchitecture Mapping and Protection Field,Huazhong Architecture,26(4):130—132


19. Wang Yansong,Bai Bing and CuiQian,2007.Analysisof the Humanistic Connotation and Causing Reasons and Its Influence of Door Heads andHorizontal Inscribed Boards in Yangxin Ancestral Temple and Folk Dwelling,Huazhong Architecture,25(2):163—165


20. Wang Yansong,Lin Yiyun and Yuan Zheng,2007.Planning and Thinking of aNew Socialist Rural Construction of Yuwan Village in Yangxin,HuazhongArchitecture,(3):119—121


21. Wang Yansong and Lu Hong,2007.The seriesof  various regions dwellingssketch,Huazhong Architecture,(4):145—149


22. WangYansong,Du Rong and Ni Jie,2006.Planning Scheme of the InformationCenter of Xi'an International Studies University,Huazhong Architecture,(3):29—31


23. WangYansong and Yuan Zheng,2006.The impression of Ancient Villages in SouthernAnhui,Architectural Knowledge,(10):18—21


24. WangYansong,Xu Jing and Zhu Feng,2006.Elegant Construction in the Eastof Hubei Province——Research on the Architecture andCulture of the Ancestral Temple in Yangxin County,Huazhong Architecture,(11):91—93

      王炎松,徐靓,朱锋,2006年,鄂东杰构——阳新县祠堂建筑及文化特征初探 ,《华中建筑》,(11):91—93

25. Lin Zhi,WangYansong and Zhang Wei,2005.Analysis of the Humanistic Connotationand Architectural Interest of Door Heads and Horizontal InscribedBoards in Yixian,HuazhongArchitecture,23(2):126—128


26.  WangYansong and Yuan Zheng,2005.Research on the Characteristics andProtection of Folk Dwelling of Tujia Nationality inXuan'en County in Western Hubei Province,Huazhong Architecture,23(7):91—94


27. XiangZhiyuan,Yi Qianfeng and Wang Yansong,2005.Modeling theCharacteristic Space, Designing the Excellent Town——Takingthe Space Design of Wangying Town as an Example,Huazhong Architecture,(4):86—88

        项志远,易千枫,王炎松,2005年,塑造特色空间 设计精品城镇——以王英镇城镇空间设计为例,《华中建筑》,(4):86—88

28. WangYansong,2005. New starting point and new expectations—read "Zhonghua Architecture"statements,Zhonghua  Jianshe,(7):14

       王炎松,2005年,新起点 新期待——读《中华建设》感言,《中华建设》,(7):14

29. WangYansong and Zheng Jun,2005.Thinking about The characteristics of Siming Mountain Villages—TakingShilin Village,Lijiakengas an Example.


30. WangYansong,2005.Folk houses—The existence of  experience.


31. Ren Qian and WangYansong,2005.The investigation of dwellings from and present situation—Taking Lanzhou region as Example.


32. Wang Yansong,2004.The sketch of WesternHubei Province(一),ChangjiangJianshe,(2):72—73


33. Wang Yansong,2004.The sketch of WesternHubei Province(二),ChangjiangJianshe,(3):50—51


34. Wang Yansong,2004.PenDrawing Folk Dwelling, Architectural Knowledge,(3):57—58


35. Philosophy compared to art—Peter Eisenman compared to Frank.O.Gehry,Chinese and Overseas Architecture,(3):73— 76

       彭孟杰,王炎松,2004年,哲学与艺术的较量——彼得·埃森曼和弗兰克·盖里的比较,《中外建筑》,(3):73— 76

36. Wang Yansong,2004.City historyform and water environment--Dissection of development and changes ofYangxin County Town inHubei Province,  Engineering Journal ofWuhan University,37(3):87—91


37.Wang Yansong,Wu Mingzhe and YuanZheng,2004.  Research on Zhouzhuang,HuazhongArchitecture,(7): 56—60,71


38. Luo Xianjia and WangYansong,2004.Application of Chinese Traditional Architectural Language in Modern Architecture Design,SouthArchitecture,(1):61—63


39. Peng Mengjie and WangYansong,2004.Fragment's Game——an Architecture Technique after Modernism,Huazhong Architecture,(5):58—59


40. WangYansong,2004.The continuation of campus of historical—Architectural design of Wuhan University newdormitory.


41. Wang Yansong,Zhou Xia and PengHui,2004.Sprinkling New into Old——LandscapeConcept Programming of Shilin Village,New Architecture,(6):25—27


42. Wang Yansong,2003.Eight Scene inAncient Yangxin County and Its Significance of Constriction of ModernMountains- water and LandscapeCity,Huazhong Architecture,21(6):35—38


43. Wang Yansong,2003.Approached thejiangnan Ancient Towns,Chingjiang Jianshe,(6):61—62


44. Wang Yansong,2002.Talking aboutthe University Students'Humanism Who Specialize on Architecture.


45. Wu Xiaonan,Yang Huanhuan,YangLixing and Wang Yansong,2002.Case Study on dwelling house of Tujia nationalityin Xuan'en county in WesternHubei,Engineering Journal of Wuhan University,35(5):87—90,130


46. Wang Yansong and XieXinbao,2001.information  technology  & historical evolutiaon research on city in the middle reach of Yangtze river——urban geoinformatics ,2001 international conferenceproceedings.

47. Yuan Zheng and WangYansong,2001.Cultural forms of traditional dwelling of the Bai nationality inZhoucheng, Dali, HuazhongArchitecture,19(6)79—84


48.  Wang Yansong and ZhouXia,2001.Eight Sights in ancient Jianli City of Hubei Province and itssignificance of  construction of modern mountains and waters city ,Engineering Journal ofWuhan University,34(6):86—90


49. Wang Yansong and PanHui,2001,The digitization of Hubei traditional dwelling,Wuhan UniversityJournal,34:59—61


50. Liu Shiying,Wang Yansong andHuang Qing,2000.Locating of Cultural Architecture The Design of HubeiTheatre (Scheme1),HuazhongArchitecture,(1):34—36


51. Wang Yansong and YuanZheng,2000.Talks on Strengthening the Creative Thinking in ArchitecturalTeaching, Architectural Journal,(2):32—34

   王炎松,袁铮,2000年,也谈在建筑学教育中强化创造性思维  ,《建筑学报》,(2):32—34

52. Wang Yansong,2000,Researchon undergraduate teaching system of Architectural.


53. Wang Yansong and PangHui,2000.Primary Study of the Traditional Houses' Artistic Charm,Journal OfWuhan Urban  ConstructionInstitute,17(3):44—48


54.  Wang Yansong,Yuan Zheng and LiuShiying,1999.Research on discipline of Folk Dwelling and Settlement of Themodal Change— Research of Traditional Settlements in Yanxincounty in Southeast Hubei,Journal Of Wuhan University of Hydraulic andElectrical Engineering,19(3):73—76


55. Wang Yansong and YuanZheng,1999. Traditional culture and national style of High-rise building spacedesign, ChangjiangJianshe,(3):30


56. Wang Yansong,1999.Architecturequick sketch and sketch,Huazhong Architecture,(2):135—138


57. Wang Yansong and LiuShiying,1999.The "Wu hua" and "San shi" of Cognitionpractice teaching,Research in Higher Education of Engineering,(3):95—96


58. Wang Yansong,1999.Research onGraduation Thesis teaching reform.


59.  Wang Yansong,1999.Study ofscenery characteristics of traditional street,Journal of Wuhan University ofHydraulic and ElectricEngineering,32(5):69—73

     王炎松,1999年,鄂东南龙港传统老街景观特色研究 ,《武汉水利电力大学学报:自然科学版》,32(5):69—73


60. Wang Yansong,2005.The Chinese Ancient village:Danshan Chishui Shilin village,HubeiPeople's Press,Hubei,Wuhan


61.Wang Yansong,2005.Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui - Xidi andHongcun,China WaterPower Press,Beijing.


62. Wang Yansong and He Tao,2008.The Chinese Ancient village:dwelling housein Yanxin,Hubei People's Press,                      Hubei,Wuhan


63. Wang Yansong,2010.Architecture sketch,WuhanUniversity Press,Hubei,Wuhan.




1. College students' creative activities center of  Wuhan university building design,2011,Architect.


2. Traveling landscape planning of yinhuwan ecological village in sanqingshan,Jingxi Province,2011.

      银湖湾生态村旅游景观规划,三清山, 江西,2010年,项目负责人。

3.The Overall planning of Taibaiding Scenic spot in Tongbaishan,Sui County,Hubei Province,2010.


4. Style renovation planning of Huangtan and Anju Ancient Townsin Sui County,Hubei Province,2010.


5. Detailed planning of  MingYuZhen hometown,Sui County,Hubei Province,2010.


6. JianShi district administration center building design,2010,Architect.


7. Planning of a New Rural Construction of Fang County,HuBei Province,2009.


8.Protection and tourism planning of Laifeng Xujiazai,Enshi City,Hubei Province,2009.


9.Planning of Tujia tourism in Laifeng,Enshi City,Hubei Province,2009.

      恩施市来凤土家旅游第一城修建性规划,2009年, 项目负责人。

10. Conceptual planning scheme design of The Oulipike park plaza in Jingzhou City,Hubei Province,2009.


11. Planning of Design of Wuhan samwoo club,Hubei Province,2009.


12.Traveling landscape planning of old street in Haizhuang City,Ningbo,Jiangsu Province,2008.


13.  Architectural design of  Shenzhen Eachanwan Harbor Financial Center Scheme,2008.


14. Project Design of Wuhan zoo,2008.


15.Traveling landscape planning of old street in Haizhuang City,Ningbo,Jiangsu Province,2008.


16. Protect research and planning of Historic district in Leping North street,Jingxi Province,2007~2008.

     乐平老北街历史街区的保护调研与规划,江西,2007~2008年 ,项目负责人。

17.  Urban Design of Jingzhou new region,Jingzhou City,Hubei Province,2007.


18.Planning of a New Rural Construction of Liuxiaoou Village in Shangcheng,Henan Province,2006.


19.Planning of a New Rural Construction of Yuwan Village in Yangxin,Hubei Province,2006.

     玉堍村新农村建设规划,阳新,湖北,2006 年,项目负责人。  

20.  Library design of  Jianghan Art Vocational College,2006.


21.Main teaching building design of Jianghan Art Vocational College,2006.


22.Planning of Weixian Town,Ju County,Henan Province,2006.


23.Planning of Jinggangtai Scenic spot,Shangcheng,HenanProvince,2006.


24.Conceptual planning scheme design of Ningbo the first gulf,Ningbo City,Jiangsu Province,2006.


25. Landscape planning of Bailian river power plant Relational area,Hubei Province,2006.


26. Conceptual planning scheme design of LiYuanHong tomb,Wuhan,Hubei Province,2006.


27.Traveling Scenic spot planning of Xiandao Lack in Yangxin,Hubei Province,2005~2006.


28.The Overall planning of Jianghan Art Vocational College,2005~2006.


29. Traveling Scenic spot Entrance area planning and Architectural design of HuangPi Qingliang village,Wuhan,2005.

       武汉黄陂清凉寨旅游风景区入口区规划及单体建筑设计,2005 年,项目负责人。

30.Planning of Jun County new district,Henan Province,2005~2006.


31.Protection planning of Xun County National Historical and Cultural Cities,Henan Province


32.Landscape planning of Xiandao Lake,Huangshi City,2006.


33. Landscape planning of Chinese Biancang peony garden,Jiangsu Province,2005.


34. Landscape planning of Liangzi lake,Ezhou City,Hubei Province,2005.


35. Landscape planning of Jianghan Art Vocational College,2005~2006.


36. Protected planning of  Ancient Village in Mulanshan National Geopark,2004~2005.

       参加国家地质公园木兰山古寨区的保护规划,黄陂,湖北,2004~2005 年。

37. Protected and Traveling planning of Ancient Villages in Siming Mountain,Zhejiang Province,2004~2008.

       浙江四明山古村落柿林村、李家坑村、北溪村、冠珮村等多个古村落的保护与旅游规划,2004~2008年 ,项目负责人。

38.  Landscape planning of Mulan Lake,2004.


39.  Planning of Ningguo Vernacular Park,Anhui Province,2004.


40.  The Library Scheme Design of  Xi'an International Studies University,2004.


41.  Tourist resort planning of Houhugang,Ningbo City,Jiangsu Province,2004.


42. The administration building design of Xi'an International Studies University,2004.


43. The Conference center Scheme Design of  Xi'an International Studies University


44. Traveling Scenic spot Entrance area Architectural design of HuangPi Qingliang village,Wuhan,2004.


45.  Landscape planning of Dazhong Lake,Jiangsun Province,2004~2006.


46.  Surveying and mapping teaching and research of  Ancient Villages Tujia Nationality in Western Hubei Province,2003~2007.

      武汉大学鄂西土家族古村落刘家院子、皖南古村落南屏村、四明山古村落北溪村、棠溪村等的测绘教学与研究, 2003~2007 年,项目负责人。

47. Central hospital surgical building design,Xiangfang City,Hubei Province,2003.


48. Dormitory 1、2、 3 design of WuhanUniversity Engineering Division,2003.


49. Dashuijing Ancient Villages surveying andmapping protection and Digital recovery in Western Hubei Province,2001~2002

    参与鄂西大水井古民居测绘保护和数字化复原工作,2001~2002 年。

50. Reconstruction planning of Baotong temple,Wuhan,HubeiProvince,2002.


51.Landscape planning of NanmenLake,Qianjing City,HubeiProvince.


52. Planning of Century square,Wuhan University,Wuhan ,HubeiProvince.






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