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编辑:京伦科技 作者: 发布时间:2021-01-08 点击次数:




2013~今, 武汉大学 测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室 教授

2012~2013,苏黎世联邦理工大学(ETH Zurich)未来城市实验室(Future Cities Lab) Senior Reseacher

2011~2012,微软亚洲研究院(Microsoft Research Asia),访问研究员

2008~2011,武汉大学 测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室 副教授

2006~2008,武汉大学 测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室 讲师

2003~2006,博士毕业于武汉大学 测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室 摄影测量与遥感专业

2000~2003,硕士,武汉大学 计算机学院 计算机应用技术

1996~2000,本科,武汉测绘科技大学(武汉大学);辅修 华中理工大学(华中科技大学) 计算机应用技术



-摄影测量/计算机视觉(航空摄影测量 & 近景摄影测量,包括:深度学习、摄影测量、点云融合建模、城市建模、机器视觉)





  1. 化遗产数字化保护——在研项目:3个国家重点研发课题(丝绸之路沿线文物数字化;文物数字复原方面;考古现场快速记录),数百万科研经费供学生使用。

  2. 摄影测量三维重建在研项目——自筹+国家相关项目



Selected Publications:

8. Yiping Gong, Fan Zhang, Xiangyang Jia, Xianfeng Huang, Deren Li. Deep Neural Networks for Quantitative Damage Evaluation of Building Losses Using Aerial Oblique Images: Case Study on the Great Wall (China). Remote Sensing. 2021. (SCI, IF: 4.8)

7. Zhu Mao, Fan Zhang, Xianfeng Huang. Qin Zou. Deep Neural Networks for Road Sign Detection and Embedded Modeling Using Oblique Aerial Images. Remote Sensing. 2021. (SCI , IF: 4.8)

6. Bo Guo, Xianfeng Huang, Qingquan Li, fan zhang, Jiasong zhu, chisheng wang. a stochastic geometry method for pylon reconstruction from airborne LiDAR data. Rremote Sensing. 2016, 8(3): 243.(SCI, IF: 4.8)

5. Bo Guo, qingquan li, xianfeng huang, chisheng wang. an improved method for power-line reconstruction from point cloud data. Remote Sensing. 2016, 8(1):36.(SCI, IF: 4.8)

5. Wei Fang, xianfeng huang, fan zhang, deren li. intensity correction of terrestrial laser scanning data using laser transmission function. ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2015, 53(2):942 - 951. (SCI, IF: 5.8)

4.Chen Zhong, stefan muller arisona, xianfeng huang, michael batty, gerhard schmitt. detecting the dynamics of urban structure through spatial network analysis. international journal of geographical information science. 2014, 28(11):2178-2199. (SCI, IF:3.7)

3.Chen Zhong, Xianfeng Huang, stefan muller arisona, gerhard schmitt,michael batty. inferring building functions from a probabilistic model using public transportation data. computers, environment and urban systems, 2014, 48:124-137.(SCI, IF: 5.3)

2 .Bo Guo, Xianfeng Huang, fan zhang, gunho sohn. classification of airborne laser scanning data using jointboost. isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing. 2014, 92:124-136. (SCI, IF: 8.9)

1. Lijun Sun, kay w. axhausen, der-horng lee, xianfeng huang. understanding metropolitan patterns of daily encounter. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2013, 110(34):13774-13779. (SCI, IF: 9.7)


Journal Papers (English)

29. Yiping Gong, Fan Zhang, Xiangyang Jia, Xianfeng Huang, Deren Li. Deep Neural Networks for Quantitative Damage Evaluation of Building Losses Using Aerial Oblique Images: Case Study on the Great Wall (China). Remote Sensing. 2021. (SCI, IF: 4.8)

28. Zhu Mao, Fan Zhang, Xianfeng Huang. Qin Zou. Deep Neural Networks for Road Sign Detection and Embedded Modeling Using Oblique Aerial Images. Remote Sensing. 2021. (SCI , IF: 4.8)

27. Adel Nasri, Xianfeng Huang. A missing color area extraction approach from high-resolution statue images for cultural heritage documentation. Scientific Reports. 2020. (SCI)

26. Xiangyang Jia, Xianfeng Huang, Fan Zhang, Chong Yang. Robust Line Matching for Image Sequences Based on Point Correspondences and Line Mapping. IEEE Access. 2019. (SCI)

25. Yanbiao Sun, Fan Zhang, Yunlong Gao, Xianfeng Huang. Extraction and Reconstruction of Zebra Crossings from High Resolution Aerial Images. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2016. (SCI)

24. bo guo, xianfeng huang, qingquan li, fan zhang, Jiasong zhu, chisheng wang. a stochastic geometry method for pylon reconstruction from airborne LiDAR data. Rremote Sensing. 2016, 8(3): 243.(SCI, IF: 4.8)

23. zhenxin zhang, liqiang zhang, xiaohua tong, zhen wang, bo guo, xianfeng huang, yuebin wang. a multilevel point-cluster-based discriminative feature for ALS point cloud classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2016, PP(99):1-13.(SCI, IF: 5.8)

22.bo guo, qingquan li, xianfeng huang, chisheng wang. an improved method for power-line reconstruction from point cloud data. Remote Sensing. 2016, 8(1):36.(SCI, IF: 4.8)

21.na li, xianfeng huang, fan zhang, deren li.registration of aerial imagery and lidar data in desert areas using sand ridges.the photogrammetric record. 2015, 30(151):263–278.(SCI)

20.fan zhang, xianfeng huang, wei fang, zhichao zhang, deren li, yixuan zhu. texture reconstruction of 3d sculpture using non-rigid transformation. journal of culture heritage. 2015, 16(5):648-655.(SCI)

19.wei fang, xianfeng huang, fan zhang, deren li. intensity correction of terrestrial laser scanning data using laser transmission function. ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 2015, 53(2):942 - 951. (SCI, IF: 5.8)

18.dong chen, liqiang zhang, P.Takis Mathiopoulos, xianfeng huang. a methodology for automated segmentation and reconstruction of urban 3-D buildings from ALS point clouds. ieee journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing. 2014, 7(10):4199-4217.(SCI)

17.chen zhong, stefan muller arisona, xianfeng huang, michael batty, gerhard schmitt. detecting the dynamics of urban structure through spatial network analysis. international journal of geographical information science. 2014, 28(11):2178-2199. (SCI)

16.chen zhong, xianfeng huang, stefan muller arisona, gerhard schmitt,michael batty. inferring building functions from a probabilistic model using public transportation data. computers, environment and urban systems, 2014, 48:124-137.(SCI, IF: 5.3)

15.jiansi yang, xianfeng huang. a hybrid spatial index for massive point cloud data management and visualization. transactions in gis. 2014, 18(S1):97-108. (sci)

14.bo guo, xianfeng huang, fan zhang, gunho sohn. classification of airborne laser scanning data using jointboost. isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing. 2014, 92:124-136. (sci, IF: 8.9)

13.wei zeng, xianfeng huang, stefan müller arisona, ian vince mcloughlin. classifying watermelon ripeness by analysing acoustic signals using mobile devices. personal and ubiquitous computing. 2014, 18:1753-1762. (sci)

12.lijun sun, kay w. axhausen, der-horng lee, xianfeng huang. understanding metropolitan patterns of daily encounter. proceedings of the national academy of sciences. 2013, 110(34):13774-13779. (SCI, IF: 9.4)

11.rongjun qin, jinaya gong, hongli li, xianfeng huang. a coarse elevation map-based registration method for super-resolution of three-line scanner images. photogrammetric engineering & remote sensing. 2013, 79(8):717-730. (sci)

10.na li, xianfeng huang, fan zhang, le wang. registration of aerial imagery and lidar data in desert areas using the centroids of bushes as control information. photogrammetric engineering & remote sensing. 2013, 79(8):743-752. (sci)

9.hui li, cheng zhong, xiaoguang hu, long xiao, xianfeng huang. new methodologies for precise building boundary extraction from lidar data and high resolution image. sensor review. 2013, 33(2):157-165. (sci)

8.fan zhang, xianfeng huang, wei fang, deren li. non-rigid registration of mural images and laser scanning data based on the optimization of the edges of interest. science china information sciences. 2013, 56. (sci)

7.stefan müller arisona, chen zhong, xianfeng huang, rongjun qin. increasing detail of 3d models through combined photogrammetric and procedural modelling. geo-spatial information science. 2013.16(1):45-53.

6.xianfeng huang. building reconstruction from airborne laser scanning data. geo-spatial information science. 2013.16(1):35-44.

5.hui li, cheng zhong, xianfeng huang. reliable registration of lidar data and aerial images without orientation parameters. sensor review. 2012, 32(4): 280-287. (sci)

4.cheng zhong, hui li, wei xiang, aijun su, xianfeng huang. comprehensive study of landslides through the integration of multi remote sensing techniques: framework and latest advances. journal of earth science. 2012, 23(2):243-252. (SCI)

3.fan zhang, xianfeng huang, xiaozhi qu, jian wang, jianping pan, dengfeng cheng. power line measurement method based on vertical baseline stereo camera. advanced materials research, 2012, 615: 980-978.

2.cheng zhong, hui li, xianfeng huang. a fast and effective approach to generate true orthophoto in built-up area. sensor review. 2011, 31(4):341-348(8). (sci)

1.gunho sohn, xianfeng huang, vincent tao. using a binary space partitioning tree for reconstructing polyhedral building models from airbome lidar data. photogrammetric engineering & remote sensing. 2008, 74(11):1425-1438. (sci)



41. 许丽鹏,黄先锋,吴健,俞天秀,张帆 基于激光点云的敦煌洞窟空间信息重建. 敦煌研究, 2019

40. 徐思奇,黄先锋,张帆,雍小龙,夏志敏,王涛 倾斜摄影测量技术在大比例尺地形图测绘中的应用. 测绘通报, 2018

39. 高云龙,张帆,屈孝志,黄先锋,崔婷婷 结合样本自动选择与规则性约束的窗户提取方法. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2018

38. 鄢咏折,黄先锋,张帆,范晓燕. 近景摄影测量中圆标靶圆心提取的方法. 地理信息空间, 2018

37. 秦爽,黄先锋,张帆,陈伟. 向东清 于Nelder-Mead算法的3D打印模型最优化放置. 计算机技术与发展, 2018

36. 左志强,黄先锋,杨冲,张帆,高云龙. 基于倾斜影像的城市场景隐式曲面重建. 测绘通报. 2017

35. 张帆, 黄印,黄先锋,徐思奇. 非直视区域的普通平面镜辅助地面三维激光扫描方法. 测绘学报,2017

34. 付正文,杨冲,黄先锋,张帆,金艳. 一种最小生成树的自动纹理映射方法. 测绘科学, 2016

33. 韦清嫄,尚晓娟,张帆,黄先锋,曾祥忠. 面向管理的大型文物遗址三维数字化系统构建. 地理信息空间, 2015

32. 黄先锋, 李娜, 张帆, 万文辉. 利用LiDAR点云强度的十字剖分线法道路提取[J]. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2015,12:1563-1569.

31.李庆, 雍小龙, 黄先锋, 张帆. 结合点云和影像的标靶自动识别与中心提取[J]. 测绘地理信息,2015,03:21-25.

30. 尚晓娟, 姜福泉, 张帆, 黄先锋. 基于Oracle SDO_PC的点云数据存储管理技术的应用研究J].测绘通报,2015,(4): 57-60.

29. 张 帆, 高云龙, 黄先锋, 尹若捷, 张志超, 朱宜萱. 基于球面投影的单站地面激光点云直线段提取方法[J]. 测绘学报, 2015, 44(6): 655-662.

28. 方伟, 黄先锋, 张帆, 李德仁. 依据点云强度校正的壁画纠正[J]. 测绘学报,2015,44(5): 541-547.

27. 高云龙, 张 帆, 黄先锋, 张 飞, 江 宇.融合影像的机载激光扫描点云建筑9物三维重建系统设计与实现.测绘通报.2014( 4) : 79- 81.

26. 程晓光, 黄先锋, 张帆. 机载LiDAR数据的城区树木点提取方法. 测绘科学.2014.39 (3):52-56.

25. 张帆,黄先锋,屈孝志,王健,潘建平,程登峰. 基于竖直基线摄影测量的电力线测量方法. 测绘通报. 2013.11:33-36.

24. 郭波,黄先锋*,张帆,王晏民. 顾及空间上下文关系的jointboost点云分类及特征降维. 测绘学报. 2013.42(5):715-721.

23. 李卉, 钟成, 黄先锋, 李德仁. 集成激光雷达数据和遥感影像的立交桥自动检测方法. 测绘学报.2012.41(3):428-433.

22. 张帆,黄先锋,方伟,李德仁. 基于兴趣边缘优化的壁画影像与激光扫描数据非刚性配准. 中国科学(信息科学).2012.42(4): 493-503.

21. 常永敏, 张帆, 黄先锋, 刘刚. 基于激光扫描和高精度数字影像的敦煌石窟第196、285窟球幕图像制作. 敦煌研究. 2011(6):96-100.

20. 郭波,屈孝志,黄先锋,张帆,李琴.移动立体测量系统检校及精度分析. 激光与红外 (laser & infared). 2011.41(11):1205-1210.

19. 黄先锋, 孙岩标, 张帆, 范诗玥. 多核计算环境下的LiDAR数据DEM内插方法研究. 山东科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 30(1):1-6.

18. 钟成, 黄先锋, 李德仁, 李卉. 真正射影像生成的多边形反演成像遮蔽检测方法. 测绘学报. 2010. 39(1): 59-64.

17. 李卉, 钟成, 黄先锋. 集成lidar和遥感影像城市道路提取与三维建模. 测绘学报. 2010.

16. 熊汉江,江宇,黄先锋,王永杰. 基于机载lidar的多面片建筑物3维重建方法研究. 地理信息世界.2010. (1): 31-35.

15. 李卉,钟成,黄先锋, 李德仁. 基于lidar和rs影像的道路三维模型重建研究进展. 测绘信息与工程.2010. 01.

14. 李卉, 黄先锋,钟成,李德仁. 一种渐进加密三角网lidar点云滤波的改进算法. 测绘科学. 2009. 34(3): 39-40.

13. 黄先锋,李卉,王潇,张帆. 机载lidar数据滤波方法评述. 测绘学报. 2009.38(5):466-469.

12. 黄先锋,程晓光,张帆,龚健雅. 基于边长比约束的离散点准确边界追踪算法.武汉大学学报(信息科学版). 2009. 34(6): 688-691.

11. 黄先锋,gunho sohn, 王潇,张帆. 基于带权点法向量的lidar数据屋顶检测方法. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版).2009.

10. 张帆,黄先锋,李德仁,张璇. 基于直线感知增强的边缘检测算法. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版). 2009. 34(1): 36-39.

8. 肖春霞, 聂勇伟, 黄先锋,赵勇,彭群生.基于联合双边滤波的纹理合成上采样算法. 计算机学报.2009.32(2):241-251.

7. 张帆,黄先锋,李德仁. 基于球面投影的单站地面激光扫描点云构网方法. 测绘学报. 2009.

6. 张帆,黄先锋,李德仁.扫描与光学影像数据配准的研究进展. 测绘通报. 2008.

5. 江万寿, 谢俊峰, 龚健雅, 黄先锋.一种基于星形的星图识别算法.武汉大学学报(信息科学版). 2008. 33(1).

4. 黄先锋,李卉,江万寿,龚健雅.机载激光扫描数据误差分析与精度改善研究进展. 遥感信息. 2007.

3. 牛春盈,江万寿,黄先锋,谢俊峰. 面向对象影像信息提取软件feature analyst和ecognition的分析与比较.遥感信息. 2007.

2. 黄先锋,陶闯,江万寿,龚健雅.机载激光雷达点云数据的实时渲染. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版). 2005.

1. 吴磊,黄先锋,舒宁.gis大数据量编辑处理中快速捕捉的优化策. 武汉理工大学学报. 2005.



26. armin gruen, xianfeng huang, rongjun qin, tangwu du, wei fang, joao boavida, adriano oliveira. joint processing of uav imagery and terrestrial mobile mapping system data for very high resolution city modeling. international archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, volume xl-1/w2, 2013. uav-g2013, 4 – 6 september 2013, rostock, germany.

25. bo guo, xianfeng huang. structural approach for pylon reconstruction from airborne point cloud data. the 34th asian conference on remote sensing, october 20-24, 2013. bali, indonesia.

24. chen zhong, xianfeng huang, stefan mueller arisona and gerhard schmitt. identifying spatial structure of urban functional centers using travel survey data: a case study of singapore. acm sigspatial international conference on advances in geographic information systems, november 5-8, 2013 - orlando, florida, usa.

23. xianfeng huang, armin gruen, rongjun qin. integration of mobile laser scanning data with uav imagery for very high resolution 3d city modelling. mmt 2013. taiwan. (best presentation).

22. rongjun qin, armin gruen, xianfeng huang. uav project - building a reality based 3d model of the nus(national university of singapore) campus. asial conference of remote sensing 2012. tailand. 2012

21. fan zhang, xianfeng huang, xiaozhi qu, jian wang, jianping pan, dengfeng cheng. power line measurement method based on vertical baseline photogrammetry. the 2nd/2012 international conference on energy, environment and sustainable development (eesd 2012), oct.12 -14. jilin, china. 2012.

20. lijun sun, der-horng lee, alex erath, xianfeng huang. using smart card data to extract passenger’s spatial-temporal density and train’s trajectory of mrt system. the international workshop on urban computing (urbcomp2012). august 12, 2012, beijing, china.

19. huang xianfeng, zhang fan. mural images position by laser scanning data. 2011 international workshop on3d digital cultural heritage modeling. september 25-29, 2011, dunhuang, china. conference link. out talk ppt(pdf) in the conference.

18. huang xianfeng, zhang fan, li deren. modeling dunhuang: from outside to inside. 2011 dunhuang forum: international conference on cultural heritage and digtization. aug. 18-22, 2011.dunhuang, china.

17. zhang zhichao, zhang fan, huang xianfeng, li deren, zhu yixuan, li pingxiang. laser echo intensity based texture mapping of 3d scan mesh 22nd cipa symposium. 2009.10.12

16. huang xianfeng, zhu yixuan, liu gang. multi-source based 3d modelling for digital heritage documentation. microsoft research asia e-heritage workshop. 2009.

15. zhichao zhang, fan zhang, xianfeng huang, deren li, yixuan zhu , pingxiang li laser echo intensity based texture

mapping of 3d scan mesh cipa 2009 (oral)

14. zhang fan, huang xianfeng, cheng xiaoguang, li deren edge extraction algorithm based on linear perception enhancement. the international archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences. vol. xxxvii. part b3b. beijing 2008(isprs2008) pdf

13. xianfeng huang, gunho sohn. a competition based roof detection algorithm from airborne lidar data. the international archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences. vol. xxxvii. part b3b. beijing 2008(isprs2008). pdf

12. xianfeng huang, xiaoguang cheng, fan zhang, jianya gong. side ratio constrain based precise boundary tracing algorithm for discrete point clouds. isprs2008, 2008. pdf

11. li hui, liping di, huang xianfeng, li deren.laser intensity used in classification of lidar point cloud data. igarss 2008

10. zhang zhichao, huang xianfeng, zhang fan, chang yongming, li deren. a semi-automatic multiple view texture mapping for the surface model extracted by laser scanning international conference on earth observation data processing and analysis (iceodpa 2008)

9. huang xianfeng, cheng xiaoguang, zhang fan, gong jianya, li hui. exact topological boundary tracing for building model reconstruction from airborne laser data igarss 2008

8. zhichao zhang, xianfeng huang, fan zhang, yongmin chang, deren li. a semi-automatic multiple view texture mapping for the surface model extracted by laser scanning. iceodpa 2008

7. zheng lv, haigang sui, xilin zhang, xianfeng huang. automatic updating and 3d modeling of airport information from high resolution images using gis and lidar data (conference proceedings paper) . mippr 2007: remote sensing and gis data processing and applications; and innovative multispectral

technology and applications, yongji wang; jun li; bangjun lei; jingyu yang, editors, 679018(14 november 2007)

6. li hui, li deren, huang xianfeng automatic estimation of lidar points data spatial resolution distribution. geoinformatics2007, nanjing (oral)

5. wang xiao, huang xianfeng , bian fulin, sun jun 3d triangulation of terrestrial laser scanning data based on spherical projection. geoinformatic s2007,nanjing (oral)

4. xiao wang, xianfeng huang, fulin bian, sun jun.3d triangulation of terrestrial laser scanning data based on spherical projection. geoinformatics 2007. (oral presentation), nanjing. 2007. (oral)

3. hui li, deren li, xianfeng huang. automatic estimation of lidar points data spatial resolution distribution. geo informatics2007(oral presentation), nanjing.

2. xianfeng huang, vincent tao, wanshou jiang, jianya gong. experimental comparison of extraction algorithm for line features from airborne laser scanning data. the 9th international sympoium on physical measurements and signatures in remotr sensing (ispmrs 2005). 2005.

1. xianfeng huang, wanshou jiang, jianya gong. a mean shift based competition algorithm for robust extraction of roof plane from airborne laser scanning data. mapps/asprs 2006 fall conference. 2006. (口头报告)

2. 黄先锋,张帆,方伟,李德仁 . 基于多元数据融合的莫高窟三维重建研究. 第一届全国激光雷达对地观测高级学术研讨会. 2010年7月(口头)

1. 方伟,张帆,黄先锋,郭波,吴渊 基于激光扫描复杂模型高质量纹理重建系统研究 第一届全国激光雷达对地观测高级学术研讨会 .2010年7月(口头)







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